[영어전문] 朴대통령, 유엔 기후정상회의 기조연설

뉴스1 제공 2014.09.23 22:50
(서울=뉴스1) 윤태형 기자 = 박근혜 대통령은 23일(현지시간) 미국 뉴욕에서 개최된 유엔 기후정상회의에 참석, 우리나라의 온실가스 감축을 위한 행동계획 및 기후변화 대응 비전을 제시하는 기조연설을 영어로 했다.

다음은 기조연설문 영문전문이다.

Mr. Secretary-General, fellow leaders,

The climate crisis is real. The earth is warming. Scorching heat waves, severe rains and frigid colds - such extreme weather events are affecting human life in so many ways.

As Secretary-General Ban stated, “climate change is the great challenge of the 21st century.” And we must rise to the challenge.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Escaping poverty was once our top priority. But even then, Korea made sure the Miracle on the Han River didn’t come at the cost of our environment.

Our annual Arbor Day and Forestry Day campaigns completely reforested our once barren landscape.

These efforts continue to this day. Driven by a new paradigm, Korea is seeking a creative economy. Nurturing new energy industries to deal with climate change is a key part of this initiative.

Energy storage systems that supply electricity around-the-clock; smart grid technologies that let plug-ins feed power back into the grid - these are key examples.

Carbon capture and storage, and zero-energy buildings are spurring new industries.

Eco-friendly towns are being set up that produe solar power and bio-gas from cattle and food waste.

Next year, we will become the first Asian country to implement a nationwide Emissions Trading Scheme.

We will also let frugal consumers sell saved electricity back to the grid. So we’re doing our best to enlist everyone in reducing our carbon footprint.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Tackling climate change needs to proceed on several fronts.

First, we need to see climate action not as a burden, but as an opportunity.

The tiniest change in how we think can later make a world of difference. How we view the climate agenda - as boon or bane - will bring huge differences.

Investing in the chance to unlock new energy industries and jobs, can ignite fresh engines of future growth. It has been said that the stone age didn’t end because we ran out of stones.

Second, technology and market-based solutions should be at the center.

Innovations can’t come from government alone. To encourage the private sector to lead, markets should reward carbon-cutting innovations.

Third, all countries need to be on board.

For developing countries, however, cutting CO2 can be a burden. To help them invest in needed capabilities and build markets, the developed world should transfer technology and know-how.

Distinguished guests,

All countries need to do their share if we are to límit global warming to 2 degrees by this century’s end.

Korea will work to submit next year our plan to support the Post-2020 climate regime.

We will also work with bodies like the Green Climate Fund, and the GGGI, to share and spread our experience.

The early capitalization of the GCF is vital to the launch of a new climate regime next year. So we look to your contributions to the Fund.

The Korean government pledges up to 100 million dollars to the GCF, including the 50 million we are currently paying.

Distinguished Leaders,

The human race has but one earth. We must save our planet from warming. And the time to act is NOW.

Thank you.

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