"What is K.E.Y. PLATFORM?"

머니투데이 K.E.Y. PLATFORM 기자 2014.09.01 14:33

Speakers' comments on K.E.Y. PLATFORM

편집자주 K.E.Y. PLATFORM English news service

"What is K.E.Y. PLATFORM?"

Michael R. Tram / Head of Advisory / Droege International group
“The conference offered break-through thinking, eye-opening inspiration and quick wins to improve the strategies of companies. Leaders could prioritize innovation and transformation programs for their firms and institutions.”

"What is K.E.Y. PLATFORM?"
Karel Lannoo / CEO / the Centre for European Policy Studies
“It was a great pleasure to be there. Thanks for an extremely well organized conference and an entertaining meeting. I hope I can be with you again.”

"What is K.E.Y. PLATFORM?"
Marc Hendrikse / CEO / NTS Group
“We enjoyed indeed our time in Seoul and I am glad that we could have a positive contribution to the conference and the further development of the business in Korea.”

"What is K.E.Y. PLATFORM?"
Erik Lundstrom / Founder & CTO / Penny
“Thank you for everything and I am glad that I could be of service. I am more than pleased if our company strategy methods used in Penny could be of use for anyone else than just us.”

"What is K.E.Y. PLATFORM?"
Matthew Quint / Professor / Columbia Business School(Director of the BRITE Conference)
“You and your team put on a great event. The breadth and diversity of content was really excellent, and by and large the speakers were very compelling.”

"What is K.E.Y. PLATFORM?"
Harald Heinrichs / Professor of Sociology / Luneburg University
“It was an inspiring conference and I have enjoyed very much being in Seoul.”

"What is K.E.Y. PLATFORM?"
Duncan Cross / Managing Director of International Development / Renmatix
“The pictures are excellent ? they really capture the event in a compelling light.”

"What is K.E.Y. PLATFORM?"
Stefanie Lemcke / Principal / Quantum Media
“I’d be honored to return to Korea next year. I would very much like to suggest a topic that would also include successful Korean startups and globalization of innovative ideas.”